Youth Registration Young Women Camp 2023 Email Young Women's First Name * Young Women's Middle Name Young Women's Last Name * YW Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) * YW Age * 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Select Camp Year * 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year YCL - Youth Camp Leader Select ward/branch * La Loma Ward Corte Sierra Ward Dreaming Summit Ward Goodyear Ward Litchfield Park Ward Palm Valley Ward Rio Vista Branch Sarival Ward Other Address * City/Town * State * ZIP Code * Young Women's # (Cell) Young Women's Email T-shirt size * Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large XXX-Large YW School Year * 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade School Attending * Most Looking Forward To: Let us know what excites you about camp this year! Kind of Nervous About: Parent/Guardians Full Name * Relationship to Young Women * Parents/Guardians Phone # - Primary * Parents/Guardians Phone # - Secondary Parent/Guardians Email * Parent/Guardians Full Name Relationship to Young Women Parents/Guardians Phone # - Primary Parents/Guardians Phone # - Secondary Parent/Guardians Email Young Women's General Information / Medial Form and Authorization Height (inches): * Weight (lbs): * Allergies: Check those that apply: Alergy_all This girl has NO KNOWN ALLERGIES Are you allergic to or do you have any adverse reaction to any of the following? Food(s): * YesNo Medication(s): * YesNo Plants * YesNo Insect bites/stings * YesNo Chronic Health Concerns: Check those that pertain to this girl and describe how you handle this at home. chc1 This girl has NO CHRONIC HEALTH CONCERNS and can participate in all activities without restrictions. This girl has the following chronic health concern(s): chc3 Diabetes Hypertension (high blood pressure) Heart Conditions Asthma Lung/respiratory disease COPD Ear/eyes/nose/sinus problems Seasonal Allergies Head injury/concussion Psychiatric/psychological or emotional difficulties Behavioral/neurological disorders Seizure Disorder Blood disorders/sickle cell disease Fainting spells and dizziness Kidney disease Sleepwalking Glasses or Contacts Headaches Menstrual Cramps Thyroid disease Obstructive sleep apnea/sleep disorders Other (Describe Below) Information about Chronic Health Concerns from above: Immunization History: Are immunizations up to date? YesNo Tetanus Booster Date Please write in month and year of last dose given: Medications:Any substance a person takes to maintain and/or improve her health and includes vitamins or homeopathic remedies. med2 My child will NOT take any daily medications while attending girl's camp. My child will take the following medications while at camp: Many common over the counter medications will be available at camp including but not limited to: Please check any medications your child should NOT receive: medCheck Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Calamine Lotion Pepto-Bismol Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Guaifenesin DM (cough syrup) Ibuprofen Cough Drops Triple Antibiotic Cream Tums Pseudoephedrine Aloe Vera Gel Burn Cream Sun Screen Cortisone Creame Benadryl Ointment Imodium Carmex If Other please list: Physician & Medical Insurance: Does Child have Primary Care Physician? YesNo Is your child covered by an insurance policy? YesNo Does Your daughter have any limitations or restrictions for physical activity? * YesNo Have we forgotten to ask anything else? * YesNo Parent/Guardian Authorization for Healthcare: This health history is correct and accurately reflects the health status of the child to which it pertains. I understand that participation in girl's camp involves a certain degree of risk. I have considered these risks and give permission for my daughter to participate in all camp activities except as noted above. I release the camp leaders, camp nurses, and other volunteers from any and all claims or liability arising out of this participation. I give permission to the camp nurses to administer over-the-counter medications. I give permission for the camp nurses under the direction of a physician to treat my child in case of an emergency - to do what is needed to stabilize the child until emergency medical personnel arrive. If I cannot be reached in an emergency, I give permission to the camp staff to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and select a physician for my child. I give permission to the physician to order injection, anesthesia and surgery for this child. I understand information on this form will be shared on a "need to Know" basis. I give permission to photocopy this form. In addition, give permission to obtain copy of my child's health record from providers who treat my child and these providers may talk with the camp staff about my child's health status. By typing your name you are giving an electronic signature stating your agreement and authorization for this child. Parent/Guardian Name * Date * Relationship to Young Women *